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    ‘The Sober Bodybuilder’ Tips and Tricks To Train With Elbow Pain

    Brad Jensen made good on an important decision more than ten years ago to get sober and become the best version of himself. Since then, “The Sober Bodybuilder” has grown a successful coaching business and has amassed more than 185,000 Instagram followers thanks to his handy tips for keeping...
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    Can You Complete One Rep of The Hardest Dip Exercise Ever?

    The dip is a tried and tested gym staple for many fitness enthusiasts and targets a number of muscle groups such as the pectoralis minor and major muscles in addition to the triceps, rhomboids, and more, but mastering the proper form can be harder than expected. That’s why Joel Seedman, the...
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    These 3 Simple Training Ideas Will Help You Build Bigger and Better Arms

    Let’s be honest: When it comes to nice, juicy arms, some of this is going to come down to luck of the draw and having the right parents. We’ve all met people in the gym who are printing off tickets to the gun show like they’re going out of style, but have never touched an arm day once in their...
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    3 Reasons Why You Should Never Be Cutting Short Triceps Training

    Given a choice between leg day and arm day, which one would you choose? It’s not like training legs is not essential because it is, but nothing gives you instant gratification more than a wicked arm pump. In the mirror by the dumbbell rack, doing endless biceps curls and shoulder raise...
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    Eliminate These 4 Pushdown Mistakes And Begin Torching Your Triceps

    When it comes to working your triceps the one exercise almost universally included in every workout is the pushdown. The triceps pushdown is an isolation exercise where you feel the triceps contact, leading to great muscle pumps and flex time. Because it can be done with an assortment of pulley...
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    Improve Your Overhead Press By Fixing These 4 Mistakes

    The strict barbell overhead press is the gold standard for pressing. The bench press is excellent and gets a lot of attention, but you are stronger in the horizontal plane and have the bench’s stability helping. With the overhead press, it’s two hands on the barbell and two feet on the ground...
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    These Tips for Dips will Help Pump Your Arms—and Not Hurt Your Shoulders

    Considering the triceps muscle makes up two-thirds of your upper arm mass, it’s no secret that triceps-focused exercises like certain dip variations should dominate arm day. Triceps dips (or bodyweight dips) are a classic, tried-and-tested exercise known for not only adding strength and size to...
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    These 4 Triceps Exercises will Help You Improve Upper-Body Lockout Strength

    If you asked 100 gym rats whether they’d love to have that horseshoe triceps appearance, 99 would say yes. The one person who said no to that is obviously lying and haven’t been including any tricep exercises in their routine. The triceps make up over 2/3 of the upper arm and it takes time and...
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    This Shoulders and Triceps Routine will Have You Feeling ‘Sleeveless’

    The “Sleeveless” duo of Don Saladino and Frank Sepe recently took to Instagram Live on the Muscle & Fitness IG page to share a shoulders and triceps workout, and they want you to take it for a spin as well. “There are so many different shoulder workouts. Today, we’re going to do a volume one,”...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Dips vs. Close-Grip Bench Press: Which Builds Better Triceps?

    This article pits two potent tricep builders head to head: parallel bar dips and the close grip bench press. Which is better for arm size? Read on to find out! Brad Borland is a strength & conditioning specialist, cancer survivor and the founder of WorkoutLab. When it comes to choosing exercises...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    5 Must-Do Arm Exercises: Shock & Grow Your Biceps And Triceps

    Arm Anatomy 101 Your arms are the first part of your body that people notice. Ripped arms demand respect and prove your training and dedication to passers-by. That said, most are content with swinging barbell curls and half-ass tricep extensions - moves that are more about ego and less about...
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    Andrei Deiu’ Wants You to Make Arm Day Your Best Day with this Workout

    The Romanian man-mountain, Andrei Deiu’ is an authority when it comes to building huge arms. In 2011, at just 17 years of age, he entered the Miami Pro and while it would be his first taste of competition, the young upstart impressed judges so much that he walked away as the winner. Now at age...
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    Try These 3 TRX Exercises to Help Improve Your Bench Press

    The barbell bench press is a rite of passage lift for most lifters. The first two exercises people usually do are the bench press and biceps curls. And then the love affair begins. The barbell bench press allows you to build upper-body size and strength which is great for performance and the...
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    Military Monday: This High-Volume Superset Routine Is a Real Arm Blaster

    Anyone who says training arms isn’t “functional” is dead wrong. (That person may also have puny pipes, but now we’re getting petty, sorry.) First of all, isolating the biceps and triceps with single-joint exercises will boost your performance on big compound moves like bench press and overhead...
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    Military Monday: It’s Chest and Triceps Day — Army Style!

    Who doesn’t love a good chest and triceps workout? We all do, but this one’s a little bit different. It was programmed by Chris Kellum, a certified personal trainer and member of the Florida Army National Guard. Because he needs to be prepared for the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), hitting the...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    4 Dumbbell Exercises for Tricep Strength

    If you have ever missed a bench, the number one limiting factor that I’ve found is tricep strength. I know others will argue about lat strength, shoulder strength and so on, but tricep strength – or the lack thereof – has always stood out to me as the biggest limiting factor, especially when it...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Want Bigger Triceps? Flip Your Grip!

    Fellas, how many of you started lifting with the goal of having huge arms? Many of you, right? That’s what I thought. Unless you just started training recently, you know getting big arms is more than banging out curls. You have to make sure you hit those triceps and hit them hard since they...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Dips vs. Close-Grip Bench Press: Which Builds Better Triceps?

    When it comes to choosing exercises for a specific body part it’s important to choose wisely. Keeping your training effective and efficient is a tall order with the seemingly endless amount of moves available. Which are the very best for your goals? This isn’t more prevalent than with triceps...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Raise The Bar On Triceps' Long-Head Growth

    Students of anatomy and kinesiology might have an advantage over the rest of us when it comes to triceps training. Not only do they they know the names of all three heads (lateral, long, and medial), but they also know how each head moves. That means they can figure out the best ways to target...
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    Military Monday: Expand Your Shirt Sleeves With This ‘Arm Expansion’ Plan

    Growing your arms is actually pretty simple: Isolate your biceps and triceps with curls and extensions (respectively), hammer these moves from Logan Carpenter with volume and intensity, and make sure you’re pounding protein the rest of the day. Repeat weekly. (And don’t forget to train all your...