Russian BodyBuilder Busted


Staff member
Jacked Cash

Denis Filippov, 29, a multiple winner of bodybuilding competitions, has been detained on suspicion of selling potent drugs banned for free sale - anabolic steroids. The steroids were found during a search in the athlete’s apartment - a criminal case was filed by the ICR for the North-Eastern Administrative District of the Central Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow, said Moskovsky Komsomolets.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Filippov got a transfer of 18 thousand rubles for the drugs to a bank card, REN-TV said. Steroids are popular among professional bodybuilders as well as amateurs. They are used to accelerate muscle growth.
Filippov won regional competitions repeatedly and became the vice-champion of Moscow and the champion of the Moscow region. In addition to personal performances, he coaches others.
No Shit, if I'm not Mistaken it is legal to use in Russia, but not to sell? Like The UK.

"We are all Contenders........ Its What We do that makes us Champions "
Actually resurched it earlier!!!
You are aloud to have it for personal use....... under a certain amount at one time..... at the discretion of the Authorities. UK Law.

"We are all Contenders........ Its What We do that makes us Champions "

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