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    Why Cork Yoga Blocks Should Be Your Next Workout Gear Investment

    When you’re a yoga teacher, you inevitably notice patterns in the ways your students practice. In the year that’s passed since I became a certified instructor, one such trend among yogis has started to drive me crazy: Upon entering a studio, many won’t give props like blocks and blankets a...
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    This Workout Reverses Signs of Aging, According to Science

    HIIT—or high intensity interval training—has been the buzzy sweat method for a while now. These fast-paced workouts alternate short bursts of exercise with quick recovery periods, and torch more calories in less time than traditional steady-state training sessions. HIIT has been shown to boost...
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    This Inner Thigh Workout Will Transform Your Legs

    If your thighs never look sculpted, no matter how hard you work out, you may be making the common mistake of overrelying on lunges and squats. These classic moves directly hit the large quad muscles and neglect all the other, smaller ones. Strengthening the quad is not a bad thing, but when you...
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    Epic Workout!

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    Why your friends workout might not work Why Your Friend’s Gym Routine Might Not Work for You A study that assigns different workout plans to each leg shows just how much (or little) the details matter Alex Hutchinson It’s always tempting to base your...
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    The Brutally High-Rep Chest and Triceps Workout

    Matthew Leete With summer weather still persisting, getting your arms and chest primed for the beach is a top priority. So how does one get their upper body big and ripped for the skin-revealing occasions that the warm weather brings? The answer is simple: Giant sets and lots of reps. This...
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    The Strength-Training Workout to Burn Fat Fast

    Jay Sullivan / M+F Magazine Don't let your busy schedule keep you from getting your sweat on! This routine from Muscle & Fitness Hers technical adviser Gino Caccavale, the creator of the Rezist program, targets multiple muscles at the same time so you can blast more calories and get your...
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    The Athlete-Approved Leg Workout to Build Your Quads

    Dmytro Aksonov / Getty Soccer is one of the most intense and demanding sports out there. With 11 players constantly chasing the ball across a 110-120 yard field, you need endurance, strength, and a whole lot of leg power to stay competitive throughout a 90-minute game. With the recent Team USA...
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    The Simple Chest Workout to Grow Your Pecs

    South_agency / Getty Is it a core day or a chest day? Ask yourself that question. If it’s core, go ahead and do your dumbbell presses on an exercise ball or on a flat bench with your feet up in the air, but don’t expect to crush your pecs and build a thicker chest. For that you need sturdy...
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    The Ultimate Quads and Hamstrings Workout

    Courtesy of Weider Health and Fitness / M+F Magazine There’s something about the pursuit of the “ultimate” amongst men that begets greatness. Chasing that which is seen as unattainable by others fuels us, drives us, propels us to do more; to sacrifice more, and to suffer more. And when you have...
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    Should Instability Training Be Part of Your Workout?

    Jozef Polc / Getty Instability training is popular in many fitness circles, including CrossFit, HIIT, and yoga. As the name implies, it involves introducing instability to your exercise, usually with external implements. For example, you could utilize an unstable surface like a Swiss ball or...
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    Best Morning Workout for People Who Hate Waking Up in the A.M.

    Per Bernal Some people naturally jump out of bed the moment their alarm clock goes off, revved up and ready to take on whatever workout they’ve planned, whether it’s hitting the gym or going on a run. And then there are the rest of us. Early morning workouts can seem painful and a drag, but...
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    The 20-minute full-body HIIT workout to burn fat

    milan2099 / Getty Who says every (or, really, any) gym visit needs to be an hours-long slog? With high-intensity interval training (HIIT) you can hit it hard and be done in just 20 minutes. "This effective workout is designed to burn fat while building a lean, cut physique,” says Brynn Putnam...
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    What Is DOMS, and How Does It Affect My Workouts?

    Corey Jenkins / Getty Walk into any gym, and there’s a solid chance you’ll hear someone talking about how sore their muscles are from a workout they did the other day. That soreness, known commonly as DOMS, or delayed-onset muscle soreness, affects countless athletes and bodybuilders in the...
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    The Three-Month Body Transformation Workout Plan

    Pollyana FMS / Getty Ready to jumpstart your own body transformation? Try this sample weight lifting plan for women workout from Shannon Dey, M.S., founder and CEO of Bombshell Fitness, a competitive training and coaching group for female athletes. If this expert-grade routine seems intense...