If you’ve tried CBD before, you’re likely in one of two camps: those who notice a significant difference or those who feel no effect at all, wondering if it even works. Since CBD was legalized under the U.S. Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (also known as the “Farm Bill”), it has become the...
Ashwagandha leaf extract is derived from the Withania somnifera plant and is thought to have an array of benefits. You’ve probably seen it in your local health store in pill form but understanding a compound that is difficult to pronounce might have you baffled as to the benefits.
That said...
Interested in using tirzepatide for weight loss research?
Inside, we detail everything researchers must know about using tirzepatide peptide therapy to stimulate weight loss in their test subjects.
You will also find the latest advancements in tirzepatide and weight loss research, including an...
Curious about copper peptides for skin?
These compounds are a breakthrough in skin and hair care and may also offer anti-aging benefits. They can be administered in multiple ways to help maximize their benefits, including topically (on the skin) and subcutaneously (under the skin) as an...
Looking for peptides for sale?
If you’re an independent peptide researcher, the most important item that you’ll need to procure is the peptide itself.
However, the internet is full of dubious vendors who sell inferior products, or who are outright scammers looking to make a quick buck.
Peptides for the skin are among the most popular anti-aging products in the skincare world.
Skincare peptides are likely to stand the test of time, rather than fade away like many other trends.
Because they work.
In this guide to the best peptides for skincare, we’ll share how. Whether...
With an aging population, there has been a definite uptick in interest in anti-aging peptides.
While they cannot perform miracles, therapeutic peptides may address some of the factors contributing to premature cellular aging. Breakthroughs in peptide research could lead to more products on the...
Among the many uses and types of therapeutic peptides, the topic of peptides for muscle growth is drawing increased interest among the research community and the public at large.
Any gym-goer knows that building muscle is difficult on the best of days, and requires dedication to a strict...
Glutamine and creatine are two of the most common amino acid supplements in sports nutrition today. They have been talked about thousands of times for nearly two decades (there is research on glutamine that dates back as early as the 1970’s). Claim after claim has been made for these two...
There has never been a better time than the present to take advantage of supplementation in regards to muscle enhancement and performance. I hear it all the time from Jorge Betancourt and other bodybuilders who competed during the beginning of mass marketed sports nutrition; “You younger guys...
Worried that you're training too long and your hormones are suffering? Research reveals the truth about workout duration.
“Don’t lift longer than 45 minutes, androgen levels plummet and you’ll lose your gains,” said every bro ever as he finished his 23rd set of biceps and then slugged down a...
What is HMB?
HMB is a metabolite of the amino acid Leucine. Basically that means your body turns leucine into HMB.
With touted benefits such as increased lean body mass, improved strength, and improved body composition, let’s see exactly what the science says about HMB.
Your Body is an HMB...
If you’ve dabbled in the supplement industry much you’re likely well aware of the popular sports supplement creatine monohydrate and its performance-enhancing effects. However, as with most any industry, the natural evolution of supplements has led to companies taking on their own endeavor to...
People often forget that the supplement industry is just like any other, where product quality and consumer value can vary drastically from company to company.
While some companies actively strive to create the best possible product for the consumer, there will always be some that try to make a...
Glutamine and creatine are two of the most common amino acid supplements in sports nutrition today. They have been talked about thousands of times for nearly two decades (there is research on glutamine that dates back as early as the 1970’s). Claim after claim has been made for these two...
Some people insist that getting your workout done first thing in the morning is the key to successful weight loss. Other exercise devotees tout the benefits of sweating before bed. So, who’s right? Well, there’s plenty of research to argue both sides.
Intermittent fasting, or IF, is a timed approach to eating that has gained popularity in the last few years as a weight-loss strategy. There are many different types of IF with various periods of fasting and non-fasting, including the 16/8 or 5:2 methods. The former involves eating for 8 hours...
New research, led by a team at UCLA, has zeroed in on a chemical cocktail that has been shown to generate vast numbers of new muscle stem cells. It is hoped that such a break-through could advance therapies designed to combat muscle loss and aid the body in its recovery from injury.
In a report...
Losing unwanted body fat can be a challenging process, but recent studies led by the Centre for Nutrition, Exercise & Metabolism (CNEM), at the University of Bath in the UK, have some encouraging news. In a recently published report, findings suggest that as you get fitter, your body burns more...
The relationship between lean muscle mass and body fat is a complex one, and while it is true to say fat cells cannot simply be converted to new muscle, it’s also important to recognize that skeletal muscle mass does utilize fat as an important source of fuel.
Now, new research published in The...