
  1. J

    I Just Found Out Canned Pumpkin Isn't Pumpkin At All, And My Whole Life is Basically a Lie

    My favorite season is closing in on us (and by closing in, I mean temperatures here in Alabama are still in the 90's, but I'm sure fall is coming anyyy day now). Autumn, I love you--your cool weather, your clothes, your football players, oh, and especially your food. RELATED: 6 Surprising...
  2. J

    6 Surprising Health Benefits of Pumpkin

    Pumpkin: It’s yummy and it’s seasonal. And we’re in the middle of a full-on flavor takeover. There’s pumpkin in your bagels, beer and coffee. Starbucks has sold more than 200 million Pumpkin Spice Lattes in the past 10 years. Even the makers of Pringles are getting in on the action. While most...