Useless Facts

Ten reasons why employers should serve alcohol at work:

1 It reduces complaints about low pay.

2 It helps save on heating costs in the winter.

3 It eliminates holidays because people would rather come to work.

4 Employees work later instead of going to the pub.

5 Stops employees getting drunk on their lunch break.

6 Staff no longer need free coffee to sober up.

7 It makes everyone more open with their ideas.

8 It cuts down on time off because staff can work with a hangover.

9 Employees are a lot less likely to remember about promotion.

10 It leads to more honest communications.

Read more on page: Jokes of the day for Friday, 01 August 2008
Hillbilly father talking to his newlywed son: How's yer new bride?
Son: I had to kill her, Pa. She was a virgin.

Dad: Yew done tha right thang, son. If she weren't good enuf fer her own kin, then she ain't good enuf fer ours!