Useless Facts

Pennsylvania is misspelled on the Liberty Bell.​

On the Liberty Bell, Pennsylvania is misspelled as “Pensylvania.” However, it was an accepted spelling at that time.

You spend 92 days of your life on the toilet.​

Based on a study with 2,500 respondents, the average man spends 1 hr and 45 min on the toilet, which is 92 days a week.

Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.​

Most planets rotate on their axis in an anti-clockwise motion. However, Venus rotates clockwise in retrograde once every 243 Earth days.

Portugal is the top country for cork production.​

Out of 2,200,000 hectares of cork forest worldwide, 34% is in Portugal. With annual cork production at 200,000 tons, 49.6% comes from Portugal. They must be serious about their wine.
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Just a question....who is the brewer on the Primo E 200s. The two Superdrols....are those suspension or oil?,....and the two small vials?.....what peptides?.....and the