Dennis James Debuts ‘The Menace’ Podcast This Weekend



Professional bodybuilder, Olympia competitor, spokesman, coach—there are many titles and professions that can be associated with Dennis James. He is now adding another one to his impressive bodybuilding rèsumè – podcaster.

James’ “The Menace Podcast” will premiere Sunday, April 4, at 6 p.m. ET and every Sunday thereafter on the Muscle & Fitness YouTube channel! It will also soon be available in audio form on Spotify!

The former NPC USA champion’s first interview is with as big of a guest as you can get—2020 Mr. Olympia, Mamdouh Elssbiay, better known as “Big Ramy”!

This is one of Big Ramy’s first in-depth interviews since he announced that “winter was coming” in Orlando, FL, this past December. Dennis James was actually one of Elssbiay’s coaches during his historic prep that led to him being named the 16th Mr. Olympia! As James disclosed during their conversation, his participation in the Olympia almost didn’t even happen. Elssbiay wasn’t feeling very confident about himself, and the way he looked wasn’t the main issue.

“When you came to the U.S., and I remember you told me one time, you were feeling so low, and it has nothing to do with your look. The way you felt, you were ready to quit. You remember? You had one slip, quick second, where you almost wanted to call your wife and say, ‘Buy me a ticket, I want to come back home. I want to die at home. I want to die at home. I don’t want to die in America.’”

Elssbiay confirmed during James’ question that he was correct. Why did he want to go back home? What would’ve happened if he didn’t compete in the Olympia?

Do not miss the first episode of “The Menace” podcast, and subscribe so you can be among the first to catch every episode each week!

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