- Jacked Cash
- 536,130
48 Bicep Curl Variations
Below are some of the traditional bicep exercises, as well as many of my favorites, and some great methods for muscle development. Pick a couple of them and add them to your training. Your training sessions will be more entertaining (and your biceps more developed) before you know it.1. Barbell curl
Nothing beats the good-ole-fashioned barbell curl. It allows you to use a maximum amount of weight and the motion packs on mass. This lift is a must do.2. Dumbbell curl
Also known as the barbell curl’s little brother, dumbbells allow you to supinate and pronate the wrist in order to activate more muscle fibers. Dumbbell curls are another necessary lift in an arm workout.3. Incline bench curl
Utilizing a inclined angle when performing incline curls allows you to stretch the biceps in a unique way recruiting even more muscle fibers to be stimulated. Slow and controlled is the way to go on this one.4. Spider/Scott curl
Popularized by the first Mr. Olympia, Larry Scott, spider curls have you seated on the opposite side of the preacher bench pad where your arms are positioned straight down for a wicked squeeze at the top.5. One-arm spider/Scott curl
Just as with the barbell version, this version allows you to supinate and pronate at the wrist in order to get an even tighter squeeze. Give the one arm spider curl a shot!6. Braced concentration curl
Hone in on your bicep using conventional concentration curls. For this exercise you brace your working elbow against the inside of your knee for extra support.7. Free-form concentration curl
As opposed to bracing your elbow, standing free form concentration curls have you standing with your elbow suspended without support. This will take a precise focus on form.8. Seated curl
Seated on the end of a bench, place a barbell in your lap, and curl it up. Lower the bar down towards your thighs and curl it up again. This seated barbell curl will really focus on developing the peak of your bicep during contractions.9. Cable curl
The advantage of cables is the constant tension they produce throughout the movement. They are also great for the strip method technique since all you have to do is move the pin. Perform the cable curl in the same fashion you would barbell curls.10. One-arm cable curl
Again. One arm exercises allow you to twist at the wrist making it a much more focused exercise. Swap out the straight bar accessory for a single handle and perform these one arm cable curls for a great pump.Related: Irradiation - How Your Fist Can Instantly Make You Stronger
11. Lying curl
You won't see many gym newbies performing the lying curl. Lying on a bench that is high enough for the dumbbells to clear will give you one intense stretch. Just be sure to use lighter weights.12. One arm at a time curl
Instead of alternating arms during dumbbell curls, perform four of five reps with one arm then four of five with the other arm. Alternate back to the other arm until all reps are completed.13. 21’s
21's have been a bodybuiling bicep clasic for ages. Curl the bar up half way for seven reps, then go from midpoint all the way to the top for seven reps, and then perform seven more full-range reps. That’s one set.14. Preacher bench curl
The preacher bench will have you locked in, preventing you from swaying and swinging any weight while performing preacher curls. It is important to be cautious with heavier weights.15. Preacher bench one-arm curl
Another great opportunity to take advantage of the twist and recruit more muscle fibers. Be sure to use a full range of motion when performing one arm preacher curls.16. One-arm barbell curl
Balance is key here so your biceps will be working overtime. Take a central grip on the barbell and go slow.17. Drag curl
The drag curl will allow you to use a bit more weight than the traditional curl, but still puts you in a very tight angle of execution.18. Machine curl
There are plenty of different types of machines for biceps, just be sure to use proper form and technique. It isn’t a greenlight to stack the weight on and cheat it up.19. Zottman curl
The Zottman curl, one of the more unique curl variations, has you curling the dumbbell up as normal and then at the top you will twist the dumbbell where your palms will be facing away from you. From there, lower the weight down and twist at the bottom before your next rep.20. Hammer curl
The traditional hammer curl is not only great for forearm development, but also helping give your biceps that coveted peak.21. Cross-body hammer curl
Cross body curls, also known as the piuwheel curl, takes the dumbbells across the body versus straight out in front. This will allow you to use a bit more weight and obtain a better contraction.22. Reverse curl
Get some great forearm development and lower biceps stimulation with the reverse curl. These give your arms a unique training affect.23. Reverse preacher bench curl
For more isolation in the forearm and biceps department, the reverse preacher bench curl delivers more focus but with a bit less weight.24. Reverse-grip chin-up curl
Not everything here is a derivative of the traditional curl. Here, be sure as you curl up that you round your back to get more stress to the biceps.Related: Joe Donnelly - Build Bigger Biceps With This Curl Variation
25. High-cable curl
Curling from a cable positioned at eye level or above will put your biceps in a position for better contraction. Utilizing the high cable curl will also give you an opportunity to show off those impressive guns!26. Reverse incline bench curl
Lie face down on an incline bench and have the bar hanging straight down. Curl up slowly without swinging for an intense squeeze.27. Reverse incline bench dumbbell curl
With this version you’ll once again have the option to twist the wrist as you curl. Go slow and controlled.28. Wide incline bench dumbbell curl
Perform as you would a normal incline bench dumbbell curl, but bring your arms out to your sides so they are nearly perpendicular to the bench.29. Run-the-rack curl
Start with dumbbell curls for a few heavy reps and then, without rest, pick up the next lighter weight and rep out again. Keep going until you’ve reached the end of the rack.30. Timed curl
Choose a time limit – let’s say five minutes. Next choose a weight that has you performing a moderate amount of reps. Curl as many reps as you can, resting only as needed, within that five minute time period.31. Rest-pause curl
After performing a set of curls (of any variation), rest your arms for five to ten seconds and then perform more reps. Do this cycle a total of three to four times before ending the set.32. Machine gun curl (I-go-you-go method)
After performing your set hand the same barbell to your training partner. You will rest as they perform their set. They will then hand you back the bar for your next set. Go back and forth several times without stopping.33. Regressive giant set curl
Here, you will choose three exercises and perform them from most to least difficult without rest. So, you can go with incline bench dumbbell curls, then go straight to seated dumbbell curls, and finally to standing dumbbell curls.34. Suspension trainer curl
The closer your feet are to the apparatus, the tougher it is to execute. Start with a standard 45 degree angle with your body and perfect form first.35. 8 x 8 method
Popularized by Vince Gironda, the 8 x 8 method is a take on the 5 x 5 method, which is a bit more for strength. The eight sets of eight reps uses more volume which results in more muscle mass.36. Bent-over barbell curl
This is sort of the barbell version of the dumbbell concertation curl. As it doesn’t necessarily stress the biceps at the bottom, the top serves a wicked squeeze.Related: 10 Must-Try Unconventional Bicep Exercises For Arm Day