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    The Ultimate 6-Week HIIT Workout Plan

    If we had a dollar for every well-intentioned person who’s centered his or her fat-burning efforts around low- to moderate-intensity cardio sessions, we could make Fort Knox our summer retreat. This “I’m trying to lose weight, so I’m just doing cardio” attitude has become widespread, as people...
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    Get a Full-Body HIIT Workout at Home

    For most of us, this time of year is jam-packed. Between endless to-do lists, parties, and traveling, you can get thrown off your normal routine. One thing you should try to fit in? Workouts. Exercise is the ultimate sign of self-care, explains Tara Nicolas, a NASM certified personal trainer and...
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    This No-Gym, HIIT Workout Gets the Job Done in 10 Minutes

    There’s a notion out there that you need to belong to a gym in order to maintain a fitness routine, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with leaving your house to get your sweat on, it’s also completely possible to get a great workout in the comfort...
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    The 20-minute full-body HIIT workout to burn fat

    milan2099 / Getty Who says every (or, really, any) gym visit needs to be an hours-long slog? With high-intensity interval training (HIIT) you can hit it hard and be done in just 20 minutes. "This effective workout is designed to burn fat while building a lean, cut physique,” says Brynn Putnam...