
  1. D

    The 7 Best Exercises for Chiseled Obliques

    When training for a killer midsection, it’s safe to say most guys either forget about or rarely change their oblique workout methods. These long muscles, when well trained and when body fat is low, frame your rectus abdominis (read: your six-pack) and give your waist a more tapered look. They...
  2. J

    The Goblet Squat Is the Move You Need to Tone Your Core and Lift Your Butt

    Breakfast for dinner. Outdoor showers. When the gauc *doesn’t* cost extra. These are some of life's underrated pleasures. Another to add to the list? Goblet squats. Goblet squats are air squats that are performed with the addition of a dumbbell, kettlebell, medicine ball, or really anything...
  3. J

    The 30-Day Abs Challenge to Carve Your Core

    There's a reason so many selfies feature a sexy set of six-packs: Well-defined abs are the hallmark of fitness, a chance to show off the hard work you've put in with training and diet. And this one-month plan can help take your middle to the next level. "I'm a big fan of mixing up exercises so...