
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Create a Muscle Building Vegetarian Meal Prep

    You can do a lot for your health simply by consuming more plant based foods during the course of the day. But if you’re an average gym rat, your sole focus probably lies around getting enough grams of protein each day. What if I told you, you could do both? Veganism and vegetarianism get bad...
  2. J

    Go Flexitarian: Eat Less Meat and More Veggies in 3 Weeks

    [brightcove:5648853415001 default] Cutting down on animal protein does more than slash calories—it lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as your risks of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The vegetables, legumes, and whole grains that will replace the meat help shield you from...
  3. J

    14 Best Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources

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  4. J

    7 Vegetarian Meal-Prep Ideas with Just 10 Ingredients

    Ever stumble across a meal-prep pic so gorgeous you contemplated new Pyrex? It may have originated from Nikki Sharp. The wellness expert and vegan-trained chef fills her Instagram with pics of jar salads and fridge porn pretty enough to frame for your wall. There's no question Sharp is a...