
  1. J

    The Two Basic Rules For Training Huge Hamstrings Routine

    ALL best fitness is HERE / Shutterstock As a hardgainer, hanging hamstrings are probably near the bottom of your wishlist. In a contest, vertical-blind lines in a rear shot or half-basketballs from the side can make the difference between first and fourth, but those not planning to pose in...
  2. J

    The Ultimate Quads and Hamstrings Workout

    Courtesy of Weider Health and Fitness / M+F Magazine There’s something about the pursuit of the “ultimate” amongst men that begets greatness. Chasing that which is seen as unattainable by others fuels us, drives us, propels us to do more; to sacrifice more, and to suffer more. And when you have...
  3. J

    3 Tips to Hammer Your Hamstrings

    Per Bernal Time to make some ham hocks out of those strips of bacon you have on the backside of your legs. Yeah, those things you want to call hamstrings, but can't seem to grow. Chances are that you suffer from the same thing as most who have been fighting with their hams—you don’t really know...