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    How to Use the SkiErg for Power, Endurance, and Weight Loss

    Edgar Artiga You’re familiar with the standard cardio players—the treadmill (both motorized and nonmotorized); the spin, recumbent, and Airdyne bikes; and the StairMaster—but we’d like to introduce you to a lesser-known member of the roster: the SkiErg. Released by Concept2 (the same company...
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    Can You Train for Both Strength and Endurance in the Same Program?

    Dmytro Aksonov / Getty Getting stronger and building endurance are two very different goals that have long been considered conflicting, but is it actually unrealistic to work toward both with the same program? A recent study out of Australia’s James Cook University looked at how concurrent...
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    2-Day Strength, Size, and Endurance Back Routine

    EXTREME-PHOTOGRAPHER / Getty Varying your workouts is critical to avoiding training plateaus and seeing continuous results, but that doesn't mean you have to change every variable every time out. The two weekly workouts below contain the same four exercises but are significantly different. In...