amanda lawrence

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    Amanda Lawrence Completes Insane 573-Pound Squat

    Before we show you this ridiculous squat from International Powerlifting Federation world champion Amanda Lawrence, let’s remind you of two things: She’s 22 years old, and she's only been doing this seriously for three and a half years. Now watch as she absolutely crushes a 573-pound squat...
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    Amanda Lawrence Just Deadlifted 567 Pounds Sans Straps

    Powerlifting powerhouse Amanda Lawrence constantly posts training updates and personal records on Instagram, but the phenom's most recent deadlift milestone had her pretty much jumping for joy. Lawrence, the International Powerlifting Federation world champ, deadlifted 257.5 kg (567 pounds)...
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    Amanda Lawrence Sets 3 World Records, Wins IPF Worlds

    theipf / Instagram American powerlifter Amanda Lawrence walked away from her first IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships a very happy camper. The 84-kg lifter clinched a big win over fellow American Daniella Melo, and set three world records along the way. The pair’s face-off was...