Building the X Frame: 10 Week Muscle Building Workout

Jacked Cash
Want to build the ultimate "X" frame physique? This 10 week muscle building upper/lower workout program can help you accomplish just that. Check it out!


  • Main Goal
    Build Muscle
  • Workout Type
  • Training Level
  • Program Duration10 weeks
  • Days Per Week
  • Time Per Workout45-60 minutes
  • Equipment Required
    Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, Machines
  • Target GenderMale
  • Recommended Supps
    Whey Protein
  • Workout PDFDownload Workout

Workout Description​

If you draw an X across the human body from shoulder to thigh on both sides you’ll easily have discovered where the human eye focuses.
The X intersects over the abs and that is the center point where we tend to look at a physique.
Whether we’re aware of it or not we are drawn to the center and then peripherally to the outer arms of the X, namely the shoulders and calves.
Why am I saying all this? Well-developed shoulders, abs and calves are the cornerstones of the classic X frame body.
Broadly built deltoids, a flat waspish midsection, and diamond cut calves define a balance and proportion that huge arms and thighs just can’t pull off. Build these areas and you’ll instantly improve your ability to fill the room.
Below is a simple program that stresses the development of these areas while brining your whole body into balance. Other areas may take a little of a backseat while you bring up your very own X frame.

The 10 Week X Frame Muscle Building Workout​

In this workout routine, you will perform each workout twice per week. Workout 1 could be Mondays and Thursdays while Workout 2 could be Tuesdays and Fridays.
Rest for 30-60 seconds between each set and exercise. You'll likely find 45 second rest periods to be the sweet spot.

Workout 1​

ExerciseWarm Up SetsWorking Sets
1. Incline Bench Press2 x 125 x 6-10
2. Wide Grip Pull Up2 x 12 (on pull down)5 x failure
3. Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise1 x 124 x 10-15
4. Standing Rear Deltoid Cable Crossover-4 x 10-15
5. Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press-4 x 6-10
6. Barbell Shrug-3 x 6-10
7a. Ab Crunch-3 x 15-20
7b. Lying Leg Lift-3 x 15-20
7c. Bicycle Crunch-3 x 15-20

Workout 2​

ExerciseWarm Up SetsWorking Sets
1. Machine Standing Calf Raise1 x 123 x 10-15
2a. Single Leg Calf Raise-3 x 10-15
2b. Seated Calf Raise-3 x 10-15
3. Front Squat2 x 124 x 6-10
4. Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift1 x 124 x 6-10
5. Barbell Walking Lunge-3 lengths
6a. Barbell Curl1 x 124 x 6-10
6b. Tricep Dip1 x 124 x 6-10
7a. Sit Up-3 x 15-20
7b. Hanging Leg Raise-3 x 15-20
7c. Plank-30 Secs