If you want to lose weight, gain weight or even just maintain weight, you probably know calories in versus calories out is the key to success. However, the total amount of calories you burn comes less from exercise and more from your metabolism — the process of converting calories into energy —...
Good nutrition sounds simple enough: Eat mostly foods that come from the ground, fill your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables and splurge only on occasion. But realistically, you probably find yourself confused when trying to decipher an ingredient list, label or packaging at the grocery...
Hard-gainers or ectomorphs believe it’s difficult for them to build muscle because of genetics. But more often than not, they’re training too hard, not allowing enough time to recover, and not eating enough. Seriously, it boils down to the simplest of setbacks. But these workouts provided by Ben...
It’s the holidays, so let’s be real: You’re probably going to indulge a bit, whether it’s through alcohol, eggnog, or carb-heavy side dishes. And while some of your friends and gym buddies might be giving you slack for ingesting more added sugar in one day than you normally do in a month, we...
One of the biggest concerns of people with diabetes is learning to control their blood sugar. Food plays a huge part of doing so. Certain foods can help keep your blood sugar at consistent levels, while others can cause it to drop or skyrocket.
When you’re living with diabetes, knowing which...
Former San Francisco 49’ers defensive tackle Sam Sterling’s wake up call came in the doctor’s. More than 200 pounds overweight, Sam was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. So, naturally, he decided he needed to lose weight.
“I knew losing weight was the answer to reversing the early stages of...
Although we tend think of certain foods as healthy or harmless, you may be surprised to learn so-called healthy foods can actually be loaded with hidden sugar. Sometimes it’s in the form of pure cane sugar, aka the “bad stuff,” or fruit juices and syrups. Either way, too much of it is definitely...
If you want to hit your training and physique goals, you need to fuel your body with the right foods. And while junk food may be tempting, it won’t do you any favors while you’re trying to get beach-ready. Some unhealthy foods are no-brainers, such as sugary sodas and chocolate bars, but there...
Protein isn’t the only thing you need to gain muscle mass; carbs are a necessity, too. Yes, we’re encouraging you to eat carbs—in case you haven’t gotten the memo by now, there’s nothing to fear when it comes to this macronutrient (sorry keto enthusiasts).
Protein intake after a rigorous...
Major muscle growth isn’t achieved solely by training, but even beginner trainees know that. The gym is where the muscles are sculpted, but the marble that will eventually be your Adonis is made in your fridge and on your stovetop.
If your goal is to gain healthy weight or 10 pounds of muscle...
Top-performing athletes know that nutrition is king when it comes to gaining an edge over their competitors. You can work out as hard as you want, practice every day, and get 8-9 hours of sleep but if your nutrition is not on point you’ll never carve out your six-pack or increase your stamina...
Although Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” it was once thought that food had no affect on the brain or feelings of well-being. But caffeine, alcohol, carbohydrates, and fats all directly effect how you feel.
There’s a reason that soups and stews in the...
In recent years, there has been a lot of research done on gut health and how it affects your overall well-being — from your heart to your muscles. Although there is much more research to be done, we do know that there are certain foods you can eat that can help your gut health. Here’s a rundown...
Here's a list of 10 Walmart Foods You Should Absolutely Never Buy! Walmart is amazing, but here are 10 things you should never buy at Walmart. ➡️ Subscribe t...
Ruth Bushi / EyeEm / Getty
Take a glance at nutrition facts of your favorite protein bar, and you may notice that is has virtually no sugar or carbs, yet it tastes like a candy bar. If you’re wondering how these products taste like cake batter without the sugar you'd find in actual cake, the...
Impossible Foods
You know you should eat less red meat. Despite its ability to beef you up, a diet built on steak and burgers ups your chances of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes—three leading killers for men in the U.S. Plus, livestock production is driving environmental destruction. In...