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    Why Your Butt Is Staying Flat No Matter How Much You Work Out

    You do endless squats. You’ve tried the booty band. You’ve danced along to Brazilian Butt Lift DVD workouts. Yet somehow you still aren’t the proud owner of a tush that resembles the peach emoji. The truth is, the appearance of your butt is partially out of your control, says Harley Pasternak...
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    These 5 Butt Workouts Can Help You Have Better Sex

    You already know that strengthening your glutes comes with perks like boosting your metabolism and filling out your jeans. But did you also know that a stronger peach has the distinct advantage of making sex better—and not just because it gives your partner something to grab onto? “Increased...
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    The Goblet Squat Is the Move You Need to Tone Your Core and Lift Your Butt

    Breakfast for dinner. Outdoor showers. When the gauc *doesn’t* cost extra. These are some of life's underrated pleasures. Another to add to the list? Goblet squats. Goblet squats are air squats that are performed with the addition of a dumbbell, kettlebell, medicine ball, or really anything...
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    Selena Gomez's Trainer Shares 4 Moves That Keep Her Butt and Abs Super Toned

    When it comes to whipping A-listers into tip-top shape, Amy Rosoff Davis knows a thing or two (she trains Selena Gomez, after all). But whether you’re a celeb client or someone a little less famous, her training principles remain the same: balance and wellness. “I’m not about making the workout...
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    6 Exercises To Get A Bigger Butt

    If you're in search of a butt that rivals Jennifer Lopez's, you might have to manage your expectations a bit—a killer behind like that is thanks, in large part, to genetics. Still, that doesn't mean you can't work toward the best (and biggest) your own special butt can be. And while how your...
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    This Influencer Had a Surgeon Certify That Her Butt Is Real

    We all know that Instagram isn’t real life, and that measures like strategic posing photo editing, and even plastic surgery have become fairly common ways for social media influencers to maintain a certain aesthetic. But at least one Insta-famous model, who's been accused of enhancing her...